One thing I’m commonly asked is “What is your day like?” Well, I’m here to answer that question.
First off, I have a structured schedule for weekdays. Second, I rarely follow it. Sad, but true.
Let me show you the schedule I hope to follow.
8:30 – Social media / Check email / Check specific sites housing books
9:15 – Write
12:15 – Lunch
12:45 – Social media
1:15 – Write / Brainstorm
3:45 – Admin ( i.e., finances, advertising, professional development, site maintenance, create teasers)
5:00 – Halt for the day
Sounds reasonable, right?
My actual day looks more like this:
8:30 Social media / Check email
9:45 Write
11:00 Errands
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Figure out where I was in writing earlier
3:15 Laundry or other household chores
4:00 Admin
5:00 Halt for the day
Now, if my muse is firing on all cylinders, or I’m up on the end of a deadline, my schedule looks something like this.
It involves saying “Screw household chores.”
8:30 Social media / Check email
9:30 Write
11:45 Quickly grab a snack and more coffee
2:00 Lunch – maybe
2:30 Write
5:00 Maybe stop, maybe not
Now, the weekends are open, except for writing a blog post on Sunday. Saturday may be a writing day depending on my muse and where I am on a deadline.
There you go. Know that I brainstorm a lot outside of the allotted time and write when the mood strikes, no matter what’s on the schedule.
I hope this answered the question.
Do you have any questions? Let me know.