Facebook Party!

Hello, Fabulous Readers! Get ready to party! I’m thrilled to announce the re-release of His Desire, HIS Book One, with a Facebook Party in my Reader Group on July 1st. This event will be packed with special appearances by amazing authors, exciting games, and fantastic giveaways! I’m inviting you to join my group and celebrate with us, not just on … Read More

Sneak peak

Hello Fabulous Readers, I’m bursting with excitement! I can’t wait any longer! I’m the kind of person who can’t resist giving out Christmas presents early because the anticipation is just too much. I’m keeping the book covers a secret until 6/15, but I’m thrilled to reveal the new logo for the HIS team! What do you think? Lea Schizas, my … Read More

Save the Date!

Hello, fabulous readers! I’m so excited I can barely stand it! On 6/15, I’ll reveal the new HIS series book covers and their release dates. As you may be aware, we took the books down last year for a complete revamp—editing and cover—when The Wild Rose Press picked them up at their publishing house. I love the work my editor … Read More

Are you ready to get Hot & Steamy?

Hello fabulous readers, We’re two weeks away from Hot & Steamy NOLA ‘23. Will you be there? If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, I have great news – the promoters are offering a 40% discount this week. Hurry, though, I’m not sure how long it will last. And, I recommend the VIP ticket! Not only do you get to … Read More

The Inside Scoop

Hello fabulous readers – I’d like to introduce The Inside Scoop, the latest HIS news and reporting. This newspaper comes out about every three weeks. It is written by investigative reporter Megan Hamilton, who happens to be me and Helen McNabb, my absolutely incredible writing partner in this endeavor. Helen began as the best beta reader I’ve encountered, helping me … Read More

Cowboy finally has his story

What happens when a man who solves problems by blowing them up finds himself in a situation where diplomacy is the best plan of attack? In Sheila Kell’s riveting novel of secrets, deception, and desire, a fun-loving HIS agent and the most unsuitable partner work to restore his family’s business while someone is scheming to destroy it and them. Download … Read More