Tropicon ’24 – Will you be there?

Hello Fabulous Readers! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve updated you, so here I go quickly catching you up – Read Between the Lines, Coastal Investigation Book Two, released 1/17/24. I’m writing two books – one in each (HIS and CI) series. I started a side hustle that keeps me busy. The main reason for this update is … Read More

It’s almost here!

I’m excited to announce that the second book in the Coastal Investigation Series is almost here! Read Between the Lines releases on 1/17/24, and Cassie and JD are in a new fix. With two storylines running – can they save Cassie’s friend, and will he propose? – this story, if I must say so myself, is amazing. But, I’ll allow … Read More

Are you ready to get Hot & Steamy?

Hello fabulous readers, We’re two weeks away from Hot & Steamy NOLA ‘23. Will you be there? If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, I have great news – the promoters are offering a 40% discount this week. Hurry, though, I’m not sure how long it will last. And, I recommend the VIP ticket! Not only do you get to … Read More

I need your vote!

Hello fabulous readers, I am honored to have been nominated for The Best of Mississippi Author Fiction/Non-fiction Award. Voting is occurring now, and I could use your help to win this prestigious recognition. You don’t have to reside in Mississippi to vote. If you love my books, please let my home state know by voting! Thank you in advance! Category … Read More

I love this review from Wild Woman Authors

I love to participate in character interviews, and today, Cassie McKay (from Deadly Betrayal) and I are featured on Wild Woman Authors for such an interview. You can catch it here: Then jump over and read the review. Here is an excerpt, and it has me jumping over the moon: “Author Sheila Kell shines when it comes to building … Read More

Big News!

Hello fabulous readers! A lot has been transpiring in my publishing world. If you’ve been paying attention, you noticed several (7) of my HIS novels are no longer available for sale. That’s because The Wild Rose Press contracted them and are going to revamp them for new releases over the next year (or so). Once they finish one novel, they’ll … Read More

By His Side

Hello fabulous readers, I’m pleased to announce that I have updated By His Side, a short story I wrote for Once Upon A Valentine anthology, and given it this amazing cover with photography of Tessi & Lance by Eric Battershell Photography. This book will be available ONLY to newsletter subscribers (current subscribers, be patient I’ll send you a link soon). … Read More

I signed the contract!

Hello smokin’ hot readers🔥 Great news! I signed my second contract with The Wild Rose Press. We will publish the second book in the Coastal Investigations series – Read Between the Lines. I’m super excited about this one, and I know you will be also. I don’t have a timeline yet as my editor just added me to the queue. … Read More

My desk, cat fun, and more!

Hello fabulous readers, I’ve moved back into my forever home in the great state of Mississippi, with my mom and four cats in tow. I do admit to being in box hell still and the cats aren’t helping unpack 😆. The great thing is my desk and writing stuff were some of the first things set up in the office. … Read More

In the works…

Hello fabulous readers! Since Deadly Betrayal is such a success, I want to update you on the next book in the series. Read Between the Lines, Coastal Investigations, Book Two, first draft is complete! I’ll go back through it, send it to my incredible beta readers, then to my wonderful editor, then on to all that publishing stuff. I’m excited … Read More